The Problems
Current home dialysis systems are often difficult to use, with unacceptably high peritonitis rates. Patients feel trapped in their bedrooms due to a lack of mobility with these systems. Noise and drain pain are common complaints among current peritoneal dialysis cyclers. There is a tremendous need for a safe, easy to use, affordable home dialysis system.
I'd like to live a normal life, not spend it in a dialysis clinic

Our Solution
Simergent is committed to putting patient’s needs first with a best-in-class automated peritoneal dialysis device. Our Archimedes system will allow patients to live a normal life, socializing with family and friends even while receiving treatment, rather than spending every other day in a dialysis clinic. It contains patented features designed with the goal of reducing peritonitis, while making it easy to train new patients to use it. Its filling and draining pressures are much lower than current devices, while maintaining accurate control over volume measurements.
In a recent market research study, current PD patients ranked Archimedes features with a 98% appeal score, versus 29%-36% appeal score for features similar to competitors’ peritoneal dialysis devices. Archimedes solves the problems that patients and clinicians care most about so patients can live a normal life.
The Archimedes system is not FDA approved and is not yet available for sale. Simergent has not conducted studies on peritonitis rates and therefore is not making any marketing claims about peritonitis reduction.
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